Nuclc. Acids. Res. OUP
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Ishii, T.1, Yoshida, K.2, Terai, G.3, Fujita, Y.2, Nakai, K.4

1Pharmadesign, Inc.
2Fukuyama University
3INTEC Web and Genome Informatics Corp.
4Human Genome Center, IMS, University of Tokyo


Database Description

With the completion of determining its entire genome sequence, one of the next major targets of Bacillus subtilis genomics is to clarify the whole gene regulatory network. To this end, the results of systematic experiments should be compared with the rich source of individual experimental results accumulated so far. Thus, we constructed a database of the upstream regulatory information of B. subtilis (DBTBS). Its current version is constructed by surveying 347 references and contains the information of 90 binding factors and 420 promoters. For each promoter, all of its known cis-elements are listed according to their positions, while these cis-elements are aligned to illustrate its consensus sequence for each transcription factor. All probable transcription factors coded in the genome were classified with the Pfam motifs. Multiple alignments of upstream sequences between B. halodurans, B. stearothermophilus, and B. subtilis will be also added.

Recent Developments

List of predicted regulons is added. This prediction is based on the clustering of conserved upstream elements between B. subtilis, B. halodurans, and B. stearothermophilus (Terai et al., Genome Biology, 2(11), research0048.1-12, 2001)


We are grateful to Naotake Ogasawara for useful comments. This work was partly supported by a Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas 'Genome Information Science' from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.


Ishii, T. et al., Nucleic Acids Res., 29, 278-280 (2001)

Category   Gene Identification and Structure

Go to the abstract in the NAR 2001 Database Issue.


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