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Koike, T., Tsurumine, M., Inoue, A., Uchida, N., Kuroda, M.

Bioinformatics Division, Department of Advanced Databases, Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST), 5-3 Yonban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0081, Japan


Database Description

HOWDY is an integrated database system for accessing and analyzing human genomic information ( HOWDY stores information about relationships between genetic objects and the data extracted from a number of databases. HOWDY consists of an Internet accessible user interface that allows thorough searching of the human genomic databases using the gene symbols and their aliases. It also permits flexible editing of the sequence data. The database can be searched using simple words and the search can be restricted to a specific cytogenetic location. Linear maps displaying markers and genes on contig sequences are available, from which an object can be chosen. Any search starting point identifies all the information matching the query. HOWDY provides a convenient search environment of human genomic data for scientists unsure which database is most appropriate for their search.

Recent Developments

Up until now HOWDY could receive only one query per search and display the search result on the browser with HTML. Recently HOWDY updated this system and it can now receive more than one query as a XML formatted file and return the search results as a XML formatted file by e-mail. Due to this development, users can easily process the results and apply for other various uses.


We would like to thank Mika Hirakawa for her assistance. Thanks also go to Fujitsu Ltd for their programming support and database maintenance. This work has been supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).


Hirakawa, M., (2002) HOWDY: an integrated database system for human genome research. Nucleic Acids Research, 30, 152-157.

Category   Genomic Databases

Go to the abstract in the NAR 2002 Database Issue.


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