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CroW 21

Peter, Y., Chalifa-Caspi, V., Olender, T., Glusman, G., Peter, I., Safran, M., Lancet, D., Groner, Y.

The Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot, Israel


Database Description

Chromosome 21 is the smallest human autosome, and was one of the first human chromosomes to be fully sequenced. Trisomy of chromosome 21 (phenotypically manifested as Down syndrome) is the most frequent cause of mental retardation. Chromosome 21 contains important disease genes such as APP, RUNX1 (AML1), and SOD1. The latter was the first gene on chromosome 21 to be cloned and sequenced. The human Chromosome 21 database at the Weizmann Institute (CroW 21,, combines the power of UDB, GeneCards and the GESTALT workbench, to provide a rich, easy-to-use view of chromosome 21. Chromosome 21 was retrieved from GenBank. 9.394 megabases of unsequenced region were added to the p-terminal, and 1.74 megabases of unsequenced region were added to the centromeric region. These estimates were based on data presented in NCBI’s MapViewer. Annotations of gene locations were retrieved from GenBank, enabling accurate placement of genes on the map. STSs and polymorphic markers, retrieved from UDB, were placed on the sequence by e-PCR. Finally, the position of each GenBank genomic segment (AP001656-AP001761) was also noted on the chromosomal map. Chromosome 21 was split into 250 Kb sequence stretches that were input to GESTALT, a tool that integrates and automates the analysis of genomic sequences and produces annotated genomic map images. The identified genes are marked on the images, including the positions of their exons in both strands. Further, from the images, one can predict additional genes, alternative exons, promoters, and so on. The CroW 21 site accesses the UDB and GeneCards search engines, as well as the GESTALT visualizations. In turn, CroW 21 data is included in those databases. CroW 21’s UDB backbone allows high-resolution exploration into the sequenced chromosome, providing information about the many genetic entities according to their chromosomal location.

Category   Genomic Databases

Go to the abstract in the NAR 2003 Database Issue.


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